Minecraft is a game that originally started on the pc and was later introduced onto the Xbox 360. The game is all about people using their imagination to build anything they want. The arcade game is very fun and enjoyable for the whole family and is more than one player if the user has a HD TV. The game generates a world for the user at random and it is up to the player on how to build a house and gather materials to use in the process.
When you first start the game, you start in a world with nothing at all probably about mid-day. Your absolute first goal is to have a shelter when nightfall comes. At night, hostile mobs spawn above ground so you need a place to be protected from them. Have a spawn restriction of a certain light level meaning during the day they can only spawn underground where it’s a certain darkness. But at night, anywhere that isn't very well lit up by torches or other light sources (lava, glow stone) is subject for them to spawn. You can mine anything such as trees or water to get supplies to build things If you're lucky, you'll be able to get the supplies to make a bed which advances time to morning and most of the creatures that spawn on the surface are burned by the sun, except creepers, spiders, and a few others.
Most people decide to build castle and other cool things but while these people are building their cool structures and others things, they have to go underground to get supplies while defending themselves from mobs that spawn underground
However the more apparent goal of each world is to go to "The End" and kill the Ender Dragon. To do this, you need to kill endermen from the regular world and blazemen from the Nether. Then using the items they both drop, create another item that allows you to find a stronghold that you fight through to get to the End portal. Then you have to use the item that leads you to the stronghold to fix the portal.
Once in the End the only way to escape is to kill the ender dragon of if you die you will be respawned in the regular world. Killing the dragon opens a portal that takes you to a strange conversation with some kind of person who has been watching you the whole time and the credits.
The game is currently selling at the price of 1200 Microsoft points £17.19 Mine craft supports all age ranges even a 20 year old man or woman can play this game but it is best played by younger age groups because it will show them on how to be organized how to use their imagination and so much more. The game does have a little violence but overall it is a good game best played 2 or more players. However if you don’t wish to fight any monsters and just want to go crazy and build cool things there is a mode which you can select.
Here are a few helpful tips
1) If you are on a mode with monster make sure you have shelter to protected yourself from the creatures
2) Don’t like fighting then go on creative mode where there are no monsters
3) Minecraft is a fun game so have some fun with your friends building castle ect
4) When battling monsters make sure you have enough food to heal yourself with, you can get food by killing pigs and cows
5) Most importantly have fun mine craft is all about using your imagination.
Thanks to Lewis, Adam and Amy and a special thanks to the rest of the Game Exploration team :)Please feel free to add any coments you wish