Friday, 21 September 2012

Modern warfare 3

hello everyone this is gameexploration first blog we hope you like it

Console- xbox 360



Modern warfare 3 is a first person shooter/ action game and follows off where Modern warfare 2 (mw2) lefted off. the game consite of three modes spec ops, campaign and online.

Single player/campaign

The campaign is based in four main areas United Kingdom, America, France and Germany and

following from MW2 Makarov has attacked these four nations to create world war 3.

The campaign follows linear paths not allowing you to venture out and keeps you in either burning/broken buildings, corridors or very small open areas to fight your enemies and do objectives to gain

back the land which is being taken. We feel that overall the game mechanics are good even though the basic design is

still from MW2 with a few more weapons are added to it. We think that MW3 wil be the last in the squeals although we can not confime this the game does give off "hints" that it is over.

Also within the campaign there are alot different senery that varises according to the countiry from broken ruins of new york to urban warfare in russia. In the campain there are many verical modes and we feel that the use of these vericals are good and helpful, however you dont get to start off in them you have to get to them by foot, so you do half the mission on foot and the other half in a verical.

Special Ops

In Special ops there are two types that you can do:

1. Survival

2. Objective

In survival you alone or with a partner must fend off waves of enemies ending when you die or reach

the final wave. Each map is different however andhas more or less the original amount and type of

enemies e.g. foot soldiers, Juggernaut and helicopters, when gaining kills you get points which can

be spent for weapons, abilities and artillery. we find this to be a fun game type as we can seeing how quick and

efficient everyone can complete the waves.

The objective game type is much different as each map will have different objectives which you

must accomplish to carry on,this can be from saving Hostages to killing everyone,to clearing out an area and many more. This again can be played solo or with a friend though some maps require you to join up with someone. Completing these objectives again as it is fun to see how fast you can beat your friends.



Call of duty multiplayer is a much loved factor and the makers of COD seem they don’t want to change an already good multiplayer mechanics however we would say it needs some work. From one of are gamer personal experience he feels that there is a game type you will like more than the others and prefer too and will play more offten it be free for all or team death match there is something for everyone from fun infection to the serious hard-core search and destroy. The online game has a very wide selection of multiplayer modes the most common is team death match that game is good for team players however one of our gamers feels that the lack of people who don't understand the team in team death match is beyond believable so play with your friends if you want any team work. He also feel that
If you are more of a lone wolf free

for all is the game type you will want to play it is best if you

have a silencer on your weapon so that when you shot you

will not pop up on the enemy radar. And lastly he feels that if
you find yourself with just you and a friend then you should try face off it is a new game mode that is available now it picks you and a friend off against two other people it is extremely good and fun to do it

also comes with a solo version and three on three version just make

sure you work together or you will have a short game.


Also by playing online you can get variety of guns which you can level up gun to unlock perks e.g kick, leveling up guns brings a new fuction to the game as it is fun and a differnt way then in MW2. Another new fuction within mulitlplayer is the prestige shop where you can spend tokens the shop gives players a good moveiation to prestige when you prestige you get a token that you can uses in shop to unlock differnt things, different things unlock at different levels of prestiging which help when you do prestige. The last new fuction is
assault, support and specialist killstreaks assault is like mw2 the kills count towards getting helpful equpiment but it rests after you died it easy to uses if you player cod muiltplayer before, support gives you usesful equimpent that is helpful to your team and it doesn't rest after die this is reccomed to beggers and people new to mw mulitplayer and specialist killsteak gives you extra perks insted of equpiment which is uses for invading your opement eqpiment it can make you walk sillently or reload faster.



Here are a few helpful tips:

1. Go onto private match and try and find the right sensitivity for you to use as well as getting use to the recoil of the guns you use.

2. Always walk around a corner don’t run as an enemy might be right around the corner

3. Don’t stand in doorways your more likely to get shot and annoy people getting past which maybe you the next time.

4. Pay attention to the skulls you see as they can show where your teammate died and where the killer might be.

5. Regulary check your UAV.

6. Always try to have a rocket launcher in your class to destroy air killstreaks

7. If a predator missile is comming down make sure to run away from your teammate. You need to spilt up.

8. A trophy system blocks two explosive it can be used to block predator missile but you have to put it down and stand near it

9.Sitrep pro is uses to see if a enemies care package is real or not

10.Your enemies can see you on their mini map when you shoot so it your not using a silenter and you killed two enemies in the same place you need to move move they will come back to kill you

11.If you die more time then getting kills while using quick scope don't do it anymore as it annoys other players

12.If you have over ten deaths with less than ten kills and your above second prestige back out of a game cool off try another game later on.

we don't in any way claim to own MW3 or any of it characters

Thanks to Tom, Josh, Shawn, Amy and Lewis who created this blog  and a special thanks to Zack, Jay and Lewis P

if you would like to comment on any suggestion for are next blog or just wanna say you opinion then feel free.

thanks for reading guys :)


  1. This is very well written :)

  2. Very Detailed and a well written Blog Amy!! Keep up the good work.

    Mrs Reid
